Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

it's a past but unforgetable

here I come again, the same write of this blog..
well, lo siento it's been a long time not to write this blog because I've just had such a UP and down season in my life. But it's not a big deal, at least I can still devote my time to write down on this blog :)

started when I was in the last year of my college, meaning a time to take off all the predicates of being a student and step forward to the next chapter of my life. I gotta admit it was such a memorable and full of experience in my whole life because that was a time where I was able to deepen my english for making friends with foreign students studying at my college. I was accepted to be one of student volunteers who had a job to guide and explain everything which exists in this country especially in Yogyakarta. Having been accepted, I shortly prepared myself in order to carry out my task which was a the first time for me. Oh ya there were several students besides me joint this program namely Puella, Santi, Cesar, and one other person but I forgot his name, but somehow only me and Santi who actively carried out the task just because the laziness of the others..!

So, those people came. They were Quinn Fuller, Nik Griffin, Paul de Pontbriand Vieira, and Jen-un Moon.
Quin and Nik are a couple from States, Quinn is originally from Ohio and Nik from New Jersey. Paul whom is labeled as "mama boy" is from Brazil, he's a half French and a half Brasilian. And the last, Jen-un Moon an adorable sweetheart from South Corea, who had studied Indonesian before coming to Indonesia to study. All the people joint a non-degree scholarship provied by Indonesia goverment held annually to people around this world whom are interested in learning and expericencing Indonesia directly, as one of effective medias to promote this country to people outside of Indonesia.

First day, I was so excited to start my task. On the day I met one of them, it was Paul the mama boy, we met him at the hotel where our university have prepared it for them. Actually, Quinn and Nik stayed ath the same hotel with Paul but since those are people are not high-taste people, they prefered looking for a simple house to settle in rather than got stuck at the fancy hotel.. So I introduced myself to the mama boy, first impression I assumed him as a nice guy but soon I figured out he's NOT that nice. We left the hotel, he carried all his stuffs, 1st plan was to look for a kos (boarding house) as a living place for him during a year. We headed to Mrican area, nearby the campus, with expectation that we would find a kos for him shortly on that day.
1st hour, nothing found. 2nd, still the same. 3rd, it was getting frustated because our searching was away from our expectation, and all of us were getting tired and tired. But in the end we found it, it was small dirty boarding house. In the beginning he refused to stay there, along with all the compliments and comments, but later he agreed to settle it because nothing left for him.

======>> to the next chapter

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Memory in JogJa (Part 2)

such a long long time for me to share in this blog again..
well, sorry, I got a lot lot thinngs to do since my first writing about my memories in Jogjakarta..
but don't worry, in this chance, I will tell you more about that.. :)

When the first time I stepped my foot into the campus, I felt like it was long journey for me. I realised that being a college student was a different moment..
I admit that being a college student is more fun than being junior / senior high school student because a person can get the real freedom, no many regulations like in school, you can meet more people, and it's a time where you can do whatever you wanna do.. :)
But behind all of those pleasures, many worst things that will come over you if you can not manage it well.. For example, when I was in Jogja I've seen the bad impacts of the freedom that somebody got, I saw my next door house mate had had a child..
I was very surprised because he was too young to have a baby, in fact he is younger than me, but that tobe done it was his choice... And grateful to God, when I was there, I was able to hold all desire especially my sexual desire.. Hahahaah...

Before entering the first semester, there was a pre-eliminary step that all of new students must do, it was called Inisiasi.. Upon the first time I heard that, it thought it would be like in Makassar where it's a great opportunity for the seniors to torture, crush, and and even kill the junior for the sake of discipline and honour, which I think it's a fucking stupid mind-set..!
Fortunately, my university has different assumption about Inisiasi. Inisiasi of Atma Jaya is a pre-face meeting among the seniors, fresh students, and the lecturers where the fresh students are explained about the profile of the university and the things that the new students will face and how to deal with them..

Well, the D-day came, we were ordered to be at the spot at 5-am, meant we had to wake up so early.. But I had no problem with that, I could manage it. :)
I arrived there, and you know what, I was a bit surprised because there were more female students rather than the male, moreover most of them were beautiful, beauty that I had never seen in Makassar (sory I'm not boasting, it's a fact).. Hehehe.
During the three-days initiation, I got various feelings such as happy for I was able to see fresh chics, bored because it took so long, and exciting because many games to be played..

To be continued...

Senin, 05 April 2010

Memory In Yogya..

it began when I was about to leave my senior high school moment.
I studied at SMA Kartika Chandra Kirana or sometimes it's called Kachak, a strategic high school located in the heart of Makassar City, South Sulawesi..
It was in 2005 when we, including me, were announced that we graduated from our senior high school, what a great news for all of us, but too bad 2 of my friends didn't succeed it..

I had been thinking to continue my education to outside of Makassar, might be either in Yogya or Bandung, even before my graduation.
I thought I would get better education if I continued there rather than in Makassar, my own birthcity.
Then, I told my mum about my wish, but at the first she refused that because she didn't want me to get away from her, she thought I would not survive to live independently in for I'm a spoiled child in my family.
But it wasn't let me down, I realised her excuses to keep me stay but kept convincing her that my decision was for my future, moreover makassar is not a proper place to study.
people only commit trade, work, and the students itself just know to hang out and look for trouble with the others..

well, it took days but eventually she let me go to study out of Makassar (me gusta)..! :)
my persuasion worked out, I was so excited because finally I could far away from my parents (at least for moments)..
Hehehe :)

I coped everything I need to do and have, prepared everything for my leaving to Yogya.
well, I went there to undergo admission tests in some universities, namely Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Universitas Sanata Dharma, and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Yogyakarta.
Shortly, I was accepted in two universities, Atma Jaya and UPN, but my conscience whispered me that I must take The Atma Jaya because I would attain a lot things there and for addition it's much better than UPN.
oh ya at Atma Jaya I was accepted at Law Faculty, it was also my decision to apply for Law Faculty, and it against my mum wish.. she expected me to apply for Economic Faculty in Accounting Department but I refused because I thought I had no any talent and smartness in accounting eventhough I got nice mark on the national examination..

hmm, that's all for today, I'll continue it in my next textsm hasta luegoo... :)

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Introduction of me.

Como Estas.?

right now, I wanna try to make some note on Internet through this blog media.
in this blog I'm gonna share everything about me, about my life, about my experience, and many others.
that's all for the beginning, see you in the next notes, chao.!